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"... the greatest of these is charity; for faith is lost in sight, hope ends in fruition, but charity extends beyond the grave, through the boundless realms of eternity."

Through your will, you can specify that some of your assets benefit the Purple Circle Relief Fund. After your lifetime, the asset(s) you specify will pass to the Purple Circle Relief Fund and your estate could take a charitable deduction for the amount of your bequest.  There are many ways to leave a bequest to Purple Circle Relief Fund. If you already have a will, you can simply add a codicil specifying a gift of one of the following:
• Fixed amount: You specify a dollar amount or asset in your will for Common Cause.
• Percentage: You name a percentage of your estate for Purple Circle Relief Fund. This allows the size of your gift to adjust to your financial circumstances.
• Residual: Once your family and friends are remembered and all your debts and taxes settled, Purple Circle Relief Fund receives all or a percentage of whatever remains in your estate.
• Contingent: Name Purple Circle Relief Fund as a contingent beneficiary in case your primary beneficiaries pre-decease you.
If you want your love of the Fraternity and your wish to help a distressed worthy Brother, his widow and children to live on, please consult your attorney and ensure your legacy to your Brethren.

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